I still think my homeland of Armenia is the most beautiful.
Sean Sabonjian
AYF Youth Corps 2022 participant
In my short time on Earth, I like to think I’ve seen much of what it has to offer. I’ve been to many of the states within America and seen its natural marvels. I’ve been to Austria and seen its ancient architecture. I’ve seen the massive waterfalls and mountains of Canada. I’ve seen the clear waters and snow-white sand of Aruba, and plenty more. Out of all of these places, I still think my homeland of Armenia is the most beautiful.
Not for its towering and numerous mountains, not for its shimmering lakes, not for its architecture, not for its clear skies or harmonious thunderstorms. To me, the most beautiful aspect of Armenia is its youth.
They truly give me hope for the future of our country. I’ve been privileged enough to spend less than two weeks with the youth of Gyumri and I’ve met children half my age that speak twice as eloquently. I’ve seen boundless talent in the musical and visual arts. I’ve seen them dance, laugh, and have endless fun playing basketball on a bent rim with a flat ball. But what I’ve seen most of all is pure passion for their country and fellow countrymen.
I’ve been given an entirely new perspective on life, my passion for our country burns twice as bright and I have them to thank.