Ara Mgrdichian/akm

The continued torture, abuse, and murder of Armenian prisoners of war by the fascist Azeri-Turkish regimes and their representatives is, as you are tragically aware, wholly unacceptable.

The unconditional release of all Armenian detainees is of paramount importance and urgency to our nation.

There can be no forestalling action in this regard on our part as human beings, Armenians, and, especially, as cognizant members of communities founded upon an unrelenting activist tradition of urgency.

Every moment that passes means untold horrors for our POWs and their loved ones—and, thus, it must mean the same for each one of us.

They are our brothers and sisters and, in the most literal sense—they are us.

The POW issue, and all that is being done in its service, eventually speaks directly to the overarching issues of territorial, cultural, and human rights. It speaks to the ongoing genocide of the Armenian peopleby the governments of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and their sponsors, as well as the terrorist forces in their employ. It speaks to cultural erasure and appropriation, ethnic cleansing, systemic racism and hate speech–violence and brutality against Armenians everywhere.

Armenian identity and national security, as well as other social vectors, converge everywhere and always within the issue of our POWs and their release, as the context of their capture and imprisonment become clearer to all within the global community and all within Armenian existential reality.

The Armenian youth in the Diaspora, Artsakh, and Armenia are the vanguard and standard bearers for this Armenian national and human rights issue of global consequence. The Armenian youth, and all Armenians with true Armenian national interests at heart, are mandated by all those who sacrificed all in the proximate and distant past, as well as by all those stalwarts who are giving their all, as we speak, to take action now for the survival of a nation in peril.

Our communities shall be mobilized by our youth, once again, and with even greater urgency by our compatriots, young and old, by activating the power of our people through our youth organizations, student associations, schools, alumni associations, and through true service leaders and individuals committed to our beleaguered Homeland and our communities worldwide.

Our youth and those who act with them now, can and will have a tremendous impact on the POW issue and, in doing so, will shed much needed light upon our cause while, simultaneously, through multi-tiered, effective activism, begin to reinvigorate our communities and Homeland, which have been the target of attacks by enemies both internal and external.

These enemies are currently aiming to divide us and decimate our community, our country, and our youth.

Our community has hung its head in sorrow and surrender for far too long, feeling that there is nothing to do after the national and regional betrayals that we have suffered, when, in fact, our true responsibilities and duties have only just begun.

It is time, now, more than ever, to reverse the sedentary culture of the past and destroy its legacy of inactivity and inertia with strategic action.

Within the context of the regional and global dynamics we are navigating, each of us individually and collectively, hold great sway and empowerment and must give all, not only in speech, but in deed to protect Armenian national and human rights interests everywhere and at all times.

The practice of activism and real work through action must reenter the operational lexicon of our organizational and community culture—the fate of our nation is at stake.

Let us act now with great urgency and intention—our very survival depends on it.

And, let us remember that the only true measure of faith is action.

Free All Armenian Prisoners of War Now!

Stop Azeri Turkish Terror and Torture!

No One Shall Be Left Behind!

Do Your Part Today!



