“They are Afraid of the Consequences of Their Own Crimes” – Kristine Vardanian

“They are Afraid of the Consequences of Their Own Crimes” – Kristine Vardanian

Kristine Vardanian, a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, and Member of Parliament from the “Hayastan” faction in an interview with “Hraparak”

Q: Yesterday, during the hearings organized by the “Armenia” alliance, former deputy Ruben Hakobyan declared that zealots/martyrs are necessary to save the country. Some viewed this as a revanchist statement. However, some believe he was referring to political zealots/martyrs—those who are willing to remain on the streets, fight for victory, and bring about a change of power. In your view, who are the zealots/martyrs?

A: What we’re seeing is a parade of double standards and selective outrage. The people who were deeply offended by an opposition figure’s statement from the National Assembly podium remain silent when Nikol Pashinyan makes similar inflammatory remarks. For example, when Pashinyan gestures from that same podium or claims that the war’s outcome could have been achieved without casualties, there wasn’t the same level of outrage. I may not fully agree with Ruben Jacobian’s wording, but I emphasize the bigger issue: a politician was forcibly removed from the National Assembly for a political statement. If his statement was illegal, law enforcement should have investigated, maybe summoned him for questioning. But it’s unacceptable for the Speaker of the Assembly, Alen Simonyan, to order the PSS officers to physically remove a politician. The fundamental issue here is that it sets a dangerous precedent—anyone can now be silenced or removed based on Simonyan’s discretion. The National Assembly has become Simonyan’s personal domain.

Q: Since 2021, National Security Agency employees have monitored the work of the National Assembly. Isn’t this practice normal?

A: It’s not just the National Security Agency employees; even members of Nikol Pashinyan’s personal security detail are now present in the National Assembly. Who knows who else might show up in the Assembly hall? Perhaps even the cooks from Pashinyan’s home will start attending, just to ensure no one brings water for him unexpectedly. This is a blatant violation of the rules, which clearly outline who can and cannot be present at meetings. What we’ve seen since 2021 is a result of the ruling party’s growing fears. No matter how much they try to project confidence and act as though nothing is wrong in the country, their actions tell a different story. Every time we leave the hall, even for something as simple as water, we are subjected to checks. It’s clear that Pashinyan and his team are afraid. They are well aware of the crimes they’ve committed, and they know they will eventually have to answer for them. This government won’t last forever, and they fear the consequences.
