Siranush Sahakyan Reports Enforced Disappearances of Armenians Captured by Azerbaijan

Siranush Sahakyan Reports Enforced Disappearances of Armenians Captured by Azerbaijan

Human rights lawyer Siranush Sahakyan has reported that at least 80 Armenians captured by Azerbaijan have been subjected to enforced disappearance since the end of the Second Karabakh War in the fall of 2020.

On Thursday, August 1, Sahakyan stated that there are individuals whose capture Azerbaijan refuses to confirm. This situation complicates efforts, as it requires proving that these individuals are alive and in Azerbaijan before working towards their release.

“In the context of human rights, there is a right to truth. Regardless of any undesirable developments, the state has an obligation to investigate and disclose the truth to the families,” Sahakyan said, according to PastInfo.

She emphasized that prolonged uncertainty causes additional human rights violations, as families endure long-term mental suffering, which is legally and internationally recognized as a form of torture.

Sahakyan also distinguished between enforced disappearances and those missing in action. In enforced disappearances, there is evidence that the person was captured, while in cases of missing in action, no such evidence exists.
