Vicken Sosikian

It seems that it is the Pashinyan regime’s standard operating procedure to falsify virtually everything they talk about.
The latest showcase of this was a January 31st interview Zareh Sinanyan gave you
Sinanyan knows very well that the government (իշխանություն) and the Republic (պետություն) are two totally different things. He knows well that the government administers the Republic and is temporary. On the other hand, the Republic is eternal – although, with Pashinyan and his yes-men at its helm, even its permanency is uncertain.
Knowing this very well, but consistent with team Pashinyan’s modus operandi, Sinanyan attempts to insult the intelligence of the well-informed public and takes advantage of those who might not know better by referring to “government” and “republic” interchangeably.
He accuses the ARF of working against the Republic and tries to substantiate his preposterous claim by referencing protests ARFers have held during his and his boss’s visits to Diasporans communities.
The fact is that the ARF, with the highest measures of its devotion, has served not only the current Republic but created the first Republic and had a critical role in the creation of the Artsakh Republic. The only things the ARF works against are our two foreign enemy countries and their slavish counterparts currently surrendering our lands to barbarians as they continue to occupy the governance of our glorious Republic.
In yet another failed attempt to manipulate narratives by spreading this level of disinformation, Sinanyan simply reaffirms to the Diaspora that he is totally disconnected from the sentiments on the ground.
He neglects to accept the fact that all those who even remotely follow his government’s (in)actions know that the best way to currently serve the republics of Armenia and Artsakh is to work against and topple the government responsible for the surrender of 72% of Artsakh, for egging on a war that led to the untimely death of 5,000 youth, for relinquishing our demands for Artsakh’s self-determination and for losing more than 150 square kilometers of sovereign Armenia.
As I conclude these thoughts I am starting to think that it is no longer necessary to dispel the falsifications of people like Sinanyan, as them merely speaking achieves the same result.