The Coronavirus pandemic was a major cause of upheavals that humanity suffered these past years. The task of Armenian organizations was also significantly affected and hampered in many ways. The Aintabtsis’ Cultural Organization was no exception, though we harried not to be hindered but tried to find ways to carry on our duties and benefit educational and social institutions.
We hereby proudly announce that during the last three years, our organization made substantial contributions to two Armenian Homes both in Armenia and Los Angeles, CA.

The first contribution was allocated to the Armenian school of Nor Aintab town next to Yerevan, Armenia. The town was renamed as Nor Aintab in 1970 to commemorate our homeland town in Cilicia. Later on, a monument was erected in the town park to commemorate the heroic defense of Aintab in 1920-21. During a visitation of several of our committee members, it was noticed that the school in Nor Aintab, named after the benefactor Puzant Markarian, needed renovation. Our Committee decided to allocate a sum of 20 000 (twenty thousand) dollar to this end. The allocation was made in memory of one of our committee members, namely Mr. Haroutioun Garabedian, and artist and a long time server in our committee, who had passed away earlier. The renovation process was completed in due time and the school administration has acknowledged our contribution by installing a plate on the walls of the school hall.

The second allocation was made to the Ararad Home of Los Angeles. As we know, the foundation has added a new facility to its the existing structures several years ago; namely the Assisted Living section. Our Committee decided to allocate a sum of 50 000 (fifty thousand) dollars to Ararad Home administration in 2022 as an assistance to the construction of the dining hall of the new section. The administration has acknowledged our contribution by installing a plate in the hall.
No need to stress that Armenian organizations and foundations rely a lot upon the contributions of our people in order to carry on their mission in many streets of life. We have made these contributions to join all those who support our educational and other beneficial institutions and we are confident that our compatriots share our joy.