In a stirring tribute to those who served during the Vietnam War, the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 446 and the Daughters of the American Revolution, Martin Severance Chapter, are organizing a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Commemoration at Memorial Park in Pasadena on Sunday, March 30 at 1 p.m. The event makes no distinction between those who served in Vietnam and those stationed elsewhere during the war—recognizing that all who answered the call fulfilled their duty to the nation. The commemoration will include a wreath-laying ceremony at the Pasadena Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which honors 31 local sons who made the ultimate sacrifice. Each Vietnam-era veteran in attendance will also receive a commemorative lapel pin as a token of a grateful nation’s appreciation.
Former Pasadena Mayor William Paparian, a Vietnam-era Marine and current officer in the California Military Department, penned a powerful article in the Pasadena Star-News reflecting on this upcoming event. He draws parallels between the sacrifices of the Vietnam generation and the Winter Soldiers of the Revolutionary War, invoking Thomas Paine’s words to underscore the courage and endurance of those who served. Paparian’s message reminds us that, despite the passage of time and the toll on their bodies, these veterans remain steadfast in their commitment—many still saying they would serve again if called.
Click here to read the full article by William Paparian