AYF-WUS Organizes “Until We Return” Commemorative Event Marking One Year of Artsakh Occupation

AYF-WUS Organizes “Until We Return” Commemorative Event Marking One Year of Artsakh Occupation

GLENDALE, CA  – On Friday, September 20th, the Armenian Youth Federation Western United States (AYF-WUS) organized a commemorative event, Until We Return, marking 1 year since Azerbaijan ethnically cleansed and forced a mass exodus of 120,000 indigenous Armenian native to Artsakh. The event was dedicated to the unbreakable path to a liberated Artsakh and the resilience of our Armenians of Artsakh – who breathe life into our Homeland by maintaining our dialects, culture, and traditions.

Community members – including some recently displaced Armenians of Artsakh – gathered at Artsakh Avenue in Glendale for the commemoration, which was a powerful exhibit that the Armenian community will not forget the atrocities committed against the Armenians of Artsakh, and will continue to fight for justice and liberation of occupied Artsakh. The event renewed the strength and resilience of the Armenian community and called for a renewal of dedication in fighting for the restoration of Artsakh as an integral part of the Armenian Homeland.

The event was opened with the singing of the national anthem of the Republic of Artsakh, “Azad Oo Angakh Artsakh,” by iconic Armenian artist and native Armenian from Artsakh, Andre Hovnanyan. As part of the opening, a moment of silence was held along with a prayer led by a representative of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church in honor of our brothers and sisters martyred as a result of Azerbaijan’s relentless terrorism. The event also featured several speakers, including Lana Tolmajian, who spoke on behalf of the Armenian Youth Federation Western United States, and Joseph Kaskanian, who spoke on behalf of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western United States.

The keynote speaker of the event was Marine Charshafjian, who spoke powerfully about her experience during the forced exodus out of her Homeland, including her account of giving birth to her daughter and bearing witness to the last moments of defense of her home in Martuni, Artsakh. Charshafjian also presented the ongoing and paramount work of the Lorik Humanitarian Fund, which works to provide permanent housing in Armenia for families from Artsakh to preserve community structures and ensure that these families remain in Armenia – a project that the AYF-WUS has proudly fundraised more than $40,000 for. The Lorik Humanitarian Fund’s work has already resulted in multiple houses and other necessities being passed along to families in need, and there is an urgent need to expand these efforts. To help support the work of the Lorik Humanitarian Fund, the AYF-WUS urges all donations to be made via their social media platforms @LorikFund or website https://www.lorikhf.org/.

The speakers shared powerful messages of solidarity and called for justice on behalf of the victims of the Artsakh Genocide – while emphasizing the need to continue supporting the forcibly displaced Armenians of Artsakh and working towards Artsakh’s future liberation. The event ended in hope and strength, with two AYF Juniors who represent a future generation, Sona and Anna Chillingarian, singing national songs about Artsakh.

The AYF-WUS would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to all the attendees, event volunteers, and speakers who made this commemoration possible. They would also like to extend their gratitude to the generous donors who have helped their work for the Lorik Humanitarian Fund and urge more to do the same by donating.

Founded in 1933, the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) is the largest and most influential Armenian-American youth organization. With chapters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the AYF actively strives to advance the social, political, educational, and cultural awareness of all Armenian-American youth.

For more information, please visit their website at www.ayfwest.org.


Armenian Youth Federation Western United States

