Artsakh is the Armenian Cause (Hye Tad)

Artsakh is the Armenian Cause (Hye Tad)

By Garo R. Madenlian

In 1988 the brave people of Artsakh rose up, stood strong, and with great sacrifice demanded basic human rights and their right to self-determination. In the face of unimaginable dangers and risks, they withstood even massacres and wars and declared their independence on September 2, 1991, defended the Armenian population of Artsakh and established the democratic Republic of Artsakh.

The Artsakh liberation movement became the entire Armenian nation’s struggle for justice. Armenians throughout the world united and coordinated efforts for the greater good, the national aspirations of the Armenian people. A unified patriotism emerged with the realization that this was a life-or-death struggle for the Armenians of Artsakh, for the republic of Armenia, and for the Armenian Cause (Hye Tad).

The Republic of Artsakh endured for over thirty years, developed vital infrastructures, democratically elected its government and withstood Azerbaijan’s continuous cease fire violations and indiscriminate attacks on its civilian population, and protected Armenia’s borders against Azerbaijani aggression.  

Unfortunately, from 2020-2023 Azerbaijan assisted by and in coordination with Turkey launched a full-scale attack on Artsakh and its peaceful civilian population, and as result of the Armenian government’s indifference towards Artsakh and the Armenian Cause, along with their failed political strategy, foreign relations and military policies, the Armenians of Artsakh suffered heavy losses.

After the 44-day war Azerbaijan and Turkey subjected the Armenians of Artsakh to an unimaginable 10-month blockade but the Armenians endured and remained. Russian peacekeepers did not help, western powers sat idly by and watched, and Armenia’s government which had previously decided to cede Artsakh in exchange for false promises of peace and prosperity seemed to be in sync with the enemies. Azerbaijan continued bombing the unarmed masses and destroyed vital infrastructure in the latest systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing while the Armenian government stood idly by and watched as a modern genocide was perpetrated against its people.

Today, the ancient Armenian homeland of Artsakh remains occupied by Azerbaijan, the Armenians of Artsakh are refugees in Armenia or abroad, and Baku continues to illegally hold captive Armenian political prisoners and POWs while the borders of Armenia and its people are once again in danger. The international and regional powers remain motivated by their self-interests, encouraging the Armenian government to continue its detrimental policies benefitting Azerbaijan and Turkey, something they are all too eager to do.

Russian oil flows through Azerbaijan to Europe and the West is working to establish transport routes from central Asia to Turkey across Armenia, specifically the Syunik region, which serves Erdogan’s ambitious plan to establish a pan-Turkic empire. Meanwhile the Armenian government blindly encouraged by the West’s false promises of peace and prosperity continues agreeing to more concessions to Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Making matters worse, Armenia’s PM is now brazenly announcing that Armenian patriotism is destructive and harmful to Armenia’s independence, purposefully ignoring the fact that it was exactly this same patriotism and national agenda that unified Armenians to fight against Ottoman Turkey leading to victories at Sardarabad, Gharakilise and Bash Abaran in May of 1918 to secure Armenia’s first independence, without which we would not have an Armenia today; and that led to the organization of the Armenian diaspora preserving our culture and heritage while continuing the Armenian struggle for justice for decades and even now; and that led to the defense and liberation of Artsakh saving the Armenian population and in doing so protected and shielded Armenia’s border that cleared the path to Armenia’s second independence in 1991. The revitalization of Armenian patriotism is an essential element to the survival of our nation.

During this difficult reality we must formulate a unified national agenda and strategy that elevates Artsakh and the Armenian Cause to a national priority with a new and improved Armenian government that can implement an effective foreign policy that preserves and protects the Armenian nation and the Republic; that is willing and able to foster a reawakening of the Armenian Cause starting with Artsakh and holding Azerbaijan accountable for their war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide; that will advance Armenians’ right to safely return to their ancestral homeland in Artsakh and their right to self-determination; that will secure the release of Armenian POWs still illegally held captive in Baku; that unifies the Armenian nation based on national aspirations and priorities including reparations to the Armenian people for the Genocide of 1915 and the concept of a free, independent and united Armenia.

This is our path forward. A long and difficult journey that we must embark on together with unwavering commitment and dedication, resolute determination, and unrelenting resilience similar to how we maintained and protected the Armenian tricolor flag and the concept of independence since the 1920 Sovietization of Armenia while organizing the diaspora and advancing the Armenian Cause, and the successful Artsakh liberation movement of 1988-1994.

It will take time and great sacrifice, but we’ve done it before, and together we can and will do it again!
