The latest altercation between a pro-government lawmaker and the press is yet another reminder of the deepening hostility toward journalists in Armenia’s political landscape. Andranik Kocharyan, chairman of the parliamentary committee on defense and security and a key figure in Civil Contract, sparked outrage when he singled out Hripsime Jebejyan of, refusing to take her questions and making a remark widely seen as demeaning.
Kocharyan’s dismissal of Jebejyan was not just an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern. His frequent clashes with reporters and history of inflammatory comments have long drawn criticism. What sets this incident apart is the response it has provoked—journalists within the National Assembly are now calling for his removal, demanding a formal ethics inquiry that could lead to his expulsion.
Yet, for this to happen, Civil Contract would need to act. So far, the party has chosen silence. While individual members expressed personal regret, there has been no official response, no acknowledgment of wrongdoing from the ruling faction. It is a familiar pattern—when confronted with misconduct from within, Civil Contract prefers to look the other way.
Kocharyan, for his part, remains defiant. Faced with criticism from opposition lawmakers, he offered no apology, merely insisting that his words had been misinterpreted. His dismissive attitude only reinforced the impression that he, like others in the ruling party, views accountability as an inconvenience rather than a principle.
Human rights activists have noted the growing hostility toward journalists in Armenia since 2018. Pashinyan’s government, despite its origins in a movement that championed free expression, has consistently undermined critical media. The prime minister himself has set the tone, frequently branding unfavorable coverage as “garbage,” a term that has filtered down into the rhetoric of his allies.
Kocharyan’s behavior is emblematic of a deeper issue: a government that came to power promising transparency and reform but has instead fostered an environment where dissent is met with hostility. Whether Civil Contract acknowledges this problem or continues to ignore it will be a test of whether the party values its stated democratic principles—or simply power for its own sake.