We Are Developing a ‘Declaration of Cancellation’, says Saghatelyan

We Are Developing a ‘Declaration of Cancellation’, says Saghatelyan

YEREVAN, ARMENIA – After the July 15th march of the “Resistance” movement, ARF Supreme Body of Armenia Representative Ishkhan Saghatelyan summarized the meetings he held in the European Parliament last week, noting that the main agenda of the meetings were Artsakh, Armenia’s security, internal political issues, political prisoners, and prisoners of war.

He mentioned that Pashinyan’s claim that the international community demands Armenia to lower the bar on the status of Artsakh is a lie and does not correspond to reality.

“At least in all the meetings that I had, that demand was not recorded. There was a demand for a general peace agenda and peace, but when we explained to our international partners that this peace cannot be at the cost of depatriation of the Armenian people, depopulation of Artsakh, ethnic cleansing, those justifications and arguments were not objectionable, they were understandable,” Saghatelyan said.

According to him, the representatives of this government, who are blusterous when hiding behind policemen in the parliament, are cowards outside of Armenia; they are on their knees, they are slaves, and they do not represent the interests of Armenia.

“Today we are fighting not only against the government of the day, but also against Turkey, Azerbaijan, their agencies, fakes (fake social media profiles), and agents who finance them with their money. The difficulty of our fight is due to this,” the opposition figure said.

Saghatelyan announced that they are developing an initiative. “Now we are developing a declaration of cancellation, the essence of which is the following: Taking into account that Nikol has nothing to do with the interests and will of our people, he promised the people one thing with his campaign platform during the elections, and now he is doing something else, casting aside the vital high priority interests of the Armenian people and instead serving the interests of Azerbaijan and Turkey, we will pursue the initiative that the next government should urgently declare null and void the verbal and written agreement reached by Nikol. After the final development of this document, we will offer all political forces and figures of Armenia to sign it and the whole world, including Aliyev and Erdogan, will understand.”

He announced that the next rally will take place on July 21, Thursday, at France Square at 7:30pm, because on July 22, a pan-Armenian event will take place in Freedom Square.
