Verelk Program Completes Its 3rd Edition, Empowering Artsakh Youth

Verelk Program Completes Its 3rd Edition, Empowering Artsakh Youth

The 3rd edition of the “Verelk” program, aimed at supporting forcibly displaced Armenians from
Artsakh and curbing emigration, officially concluded with a final event on September 20 in
Yerevan. Launched in April 2024 by the ARF Bureau’s Office of Youth Affairs in collaboration
with “Optimize” Consulting, the program focused on empowering young people from Artsakh
through professional development.

During the first phase, which spanned approximately eight months, participants acquired
valuable professional skills and knowledge through 12 specialized courses led by top experts in
various fields.

After a series of examinations, 35 of the 87 selected participants advanced to the next round.
They were grouped, given specific tasks, and prepared to present their business plans to a jury.

In the first half of the event, 7 groups presented their business plans to a jury composed of ARF
Bureau member Hovsep Der Kevorkian, Chief Operating Director of “Yerevan City”
Supermarkets Vache Ter-Ghukasyan, founder and CEO of “Optimize Consulting” Hrayr
Barsoumian, and Alin Msrlian, founder of the “Aleppo” store chain.

The program’s 9 beneficiaries were determined based on a combination of jury scores,
individual and group performance, attendance records, and exam results. The top 9 participants
were identified, with the first 3 being recognized as winners and awarded monetary prizes.

Additionally, 25 participants who successfully completed all three stages received certificates.
Verelk also presented letters of appreciation to the trainers and jury members.

The second half of the event included a program summary and a gift-giving ceremony, attended
by Minister of Social Development and Migration Vahram Arakelyan, members of the “Armenia”
faction of the National Assembly, members of the ARF Artsakh Central Committee, Armenian
Relief Society Central and Regional representatives, ARF Bureau Youth Office representatives,
and Verelk trainers.

The selected beneficiaries of the Verelk program are:

  • Mary Amirjanyan
  • Ani Hovhannisyan
  • Anna Hakobyan
  • Angelina Danielyan
  • Narek Hayriyan
  • Manushak Danielyan
  • Anna Aghasyan
  • Elina Gasparyan
  • Marina Aleksanyan

In Phase 2 of the “Verelk” program, efforts to secure employment for the selected participants
will be expanded, providing them with one year of employment. It is notable that the sponsor of
Phase 1 in 2024 was the Armenian Youth Federation Eastern Region USA, while the sponsor of
Phase 2 is the Armenian Relief Society’s Central Executive Body. To recap, the “Verelk” pilot program for young entrepreuners, which found success in Artsakh in 2021, held it’s second edition in Syunik 2022.
