Yerevan Denies Azerbaijani Claims of Border Shooting

Yerevan Denies Azerbaijani Claims of Border Shooting

Armenian military officials in Yerevan have again dismissed accusations from Baku that Armenian forces opened fire on Azerbaijani positions along the border.

Early on Friday, Azerbaijan issued a statement alleging that Armenian troops had targeted Azerbaijani army positions near Sadarak, a district located in Azerbaijan’s western exclave of Nakhichevan.

This accusation follows a similar claim made by Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense on Thursday evening, which stated that Armenian forces had fired on Azerbaijani positions in Nakhichevan’s Ordubad district.

The Armenian Ministry of Defense has rejected both allegations as “disinformation.” The ministry also reiterated Yerevan’s call for the establishment of a bilateral mechanism to investigate ceasefire violations.

“Through diplomatic channels, the Armenian Prime Minister’s office proposed to the President of Azerbaijan’s office the creation of a bilateral mechanism to investigate instances of ceasefire violations,” the Armenian ministry said.

To date, Azerbaijan has not responded to Armenia’s repeated proposals for such a mechanism.
