“There is Only One Way: Continue Working with the People, and Hit the Streets” – Saghatelyan

“There is Only One Way: Continue Working with the People, and Hit the Streets” – Saghatelyan

Ishkhan Saghatelyan, the representative of the ARF’s Supreme Council of Armenia and an MP of the National Assembly “Armenia” faction, recently visited Belgium and the Netherlands in late July. He emphasized that during his meetings, it became clear once again that it is very difficult to explain to Armenia’s international partners how the government, which brought war and defeat to the country, was re-elected.

“How can the government that brought misfortune, war, and death remain in power? This is incomprehensible to many of our partners abroad,” Saghatelyan said on 168 TV’s “Review” program. He stressed that even Armenia’s real opposition, which has been trying to free the country from this government for four years, struggles to find an answer to this question.

“We are fighting. If we could clearly explain to the broad sections of the people what awaits us, we would not be in this situation today,” Saghatelyan stated. He emphasized that the ultimate goal of the opposition’s struggle is not being achieved because the government is deceiving the Armenian people with false slogans about peace while causing territorial losses. At the same time, the government is resorting to informational terrorist operations against the opposition.

“In one day, a hero is turned into a traitor and vice versa. We haven’t been able to create counterbalancing systems yet,” Saghatelyan said.

According to Saghatelyan, the opposition has learned from its shortcomings and is working more effectively. “The only way forward is to continue working with the people, taking to the streets to change the situation. Currently, there is a movement led by Bagrat Srbazan, who has outlined their plans. More specific actions will be announced soon,” he said.

Saghatelyan reiterated to dissatisfied politicians criticizing the opposition’s efforts that demanding the opposition give up its mandates is in vain. Doing so would not guarantee an extraordinary election, and Pashinyan could call an election only at a time convenient for him.

“Therefore, it is in Pashinyan’s interest that this opposition does not exist in parliament. This does not mean we won’t give up our mandates. A few months ago, I announced on behalf of the ARF that Dashnaktsutyun will not be in the parliament that ratifies the capitulation agreement of Armenia,” Saghatelyan added.

Instead of criticizing the parliamentary opposition, Saghatelyan suggested that critics should help form an information system to counter the government’s information terrorism, which would lead to a more robust street movement.

“I don’t keep anyone locked in the basement of our office. If every loud critic could gather 100 people, it would be much easier. We are not sitting comfortably; our colleagues are in prison, while those sitting on their couches call us a convenient opposition. We need to change this. The easiest way to improve this parliamentary opposition is to work more effectively than it,” Saghatelyan concluded.
